The Addams Family - Meet the Players


Book by Marshall Brickman & Rick Elice • Music & Lyrics by Andrew Lippa

Orchestrations by Larry Hochman • Based on the characters by Charles Addams

Directed by Jennifer Norton & Eric Simondsen with Choreography by Maura Jones

July 11, 12, 13, 14 • 18, 19, 20, 21 • 25, 26, 27,28 at the Spit Theatre. 7:30 PM.

THE STORY: A comical feast that embraces the wackiness in every family, features an original story and it’s every father’s nightmare: Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family– a man her parents have never met. And if that wasn’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before– keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents.

The Addams Family is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide 1180 Avenue of the Americas , suite 640, New York, NY 10036.

And now it’s time to meet the players!

We asked the directors, cast, and orchestra to tell us a little bit about themselves, or a ghostly encounter they had, a true love story, or a funny quirk from their family lives!

Alexandria Sweeney - Pugsley Addams

Lexie has been doing this theatre thing for quite a while, it’s one of her favorite ways to get out of the house and involved in the community. Not to mention all the singing and dancing which is also enjoyable for her. She was involved in a few musical shows including School House Rock Live, Guys and Dolls, and Newsies - where she also happened to play a little brother. Speaking of ghosts, she has fond memories of staying at her grandma and grandpa's house and learning all about the girl that was buried in the backyard. The house used to be a church before her family lived in it, and the little blonde girl was known for standing at the foot of your bed where we would see her at night.


Ames Kincaid - Drums

Ames Kincaid is a 14-year-old musician, originally from Charlotte, NC who now lives in Homer with his family (who are also in the production). He enjoys playing drums and the bass guitar, as well as cross-country and downhill skiing, mountain biking, soccer, and fishing.


Andy Sorensen - Trombone

Early retirement in 2020 allowed Andy to escape the Anchorage rat-race, and maintain an active performance schedule there playing trombone and various other low brass instruments. Best of all, Andy is happily working his way into the Homer arts scene. Growing up Andy’s parents strictly forbid him from watching silliness like The Addams Family on “the boob tube.” He proudly dedicates his performance to them.


August Kilcher - Lucas Beineke

August has been in theatre. August has never performed in this theatre. Past performances not on the Pier One Theatre stage include, but are not limited to: Les Miserables, as Teen Martyr; Beauty & The Beast, as Candles for Fingers; Crazy Cap Dude, in Alice & Wonderland; and most recently, Uncle-who-gives-his-niece-the-same-presant-every-Christmas, in The Nutcracker. As a kid, August was spooked out by the creepy little red podunk building on the spit. Now that he is older, he understands that much like the Addams family, that creepiness was actually just charm. In the Theatre off season you can (try to) find him at Homer Forestry, or slinging Mead at Odin.


Beau Berryman - Trumpet

I am humbled and grateful to have the opportunity to be a piece of the Addams Family tour, Hopefully making a difference in our community and leaving a positive mark, and a lasting impression. As a trumpet player since grade school, music has been integral to my life, and will continue to be! I'm proud to have performed in Monty Python's Spamalot here at the Pier and recently  with the Kenai Peninsula Orchestra performance of Three Swedish Songs featuring Mary Ferris!  WHAT A BLAST! I truly sit among giants of this community. I have no doubt that this production will be just as good with the time, dedication and professionalism EVERYONE has put into the show.  and I'm looking forward to a ghoulishly good time with you all. 


Brooke McClenning - Ancestor

Unique quirk about my family -We love British humor like Monty Python, Top Gear UK, and Clarksons Farm. 

Performance life - I am a theatre major at Carroll college and I perform in Helena, MT. This is my first Alaska show and I’m super excited to be part of this group of wonderful people! 


Carolyn Norton - Morticia Addams

Like Morticia, Carolyn used to believe that bright colors are for people with no inner lives or imagination. Fortunately, she has since become less narrow-minded about that sort of thing. Carolyn has never been haunted but she is open to the idea. 


Dayus Anthony - Ancestor


Deb Rowzee - Grandma

Deb was close with her Nana. The tattered fringed shawl Grandma Addams wears belonged to her. The shawl has been on a trip to the pyramids in Egypt. It’s been in New York and Mississippi. Deb was glad to bring it out to play with the ancestors. 


Eric Simondsen - Musical Director

My wife and I met playing trombone studio in college, and we are so glad to keep making music together! I hope you enjoy the show!


Finnley Stineff - Ancestor

Finnley Stineff has grown up in Homer and over the past few years he’s begun involving himself in the artistic community here. He’s especially intrigued by death and the occult, an interest that began when he was little. Finnley’s parents claim that as a young child he would tell them about family members who had passed on as though he just talked to them. They often found him playing alone but talking as if there were others in the room. His mother believes to this day that Finnley used to talk with his grandfather as well as other spirits.


Freya Bartlett - Ancestor

Freya Bartlett is 13 years old, (the luckiest of unlucky numbers,) she is descended from a witch accused at the Salem witch trials on each side of her family, and is so excited to be in this spooktacular musical!


Hadassah Kincaid - Ancestor

Hadassah Kincaid is so happy to be in this exciting and creepy play with all the funny people. This is not her first Pier One play but it is her first with people of all ages. Hadassah just finished playing Ophelia in Hamlet. She was so happy when she got to play Cousin It and a creepy contortion baby. Hadassah has six kids in her family so she is used to all the chaos. She is an actor and dancer. She looks forward to acting in the future. Hadassah says "It is a super fun experience and everyone should join their local theatre.”


Honor Kincaid - Ancestor

Although this is Honor's first musical, she does have stage experience, including performances in the Nutcracker ballet and the HCOA Jubilee. Honor's favorite part of this musical is when all the harmonies and parts of "When You're an Addams" come together perfectly. Another part of the musical she loves is the "Just Around the Corner" tap break. Rachael, Honor's mom, says, "We are proud of her for leaning into the twin thing, but don't forget she is her own human being!" Enjoy the show!!


Isaiah Jane Kincaid - Ancestor

Hi! My name is Isaiah Jane. The Addams Family is my first "big" production because I usually do the summer camp with pieces of a few different plays. My favorite thing is being with Honor my twin as characters who don't leave each other's sides. Being in this production has been a thrill, and I hope you enjoy it! 


Jack Will - Violin


Jane Parrish - Reeds

I can't think of a family ghost story or quirk, but a true love story I can do. I met my now-husband Marion during my senior year in college, and we immediately became inseparable. However, he told me early on that although he had recently gotten divorced, he and his ex were working on things and might get back together. The day I graduated, I gave him a big hug and figured that would be the last time I saw him, and headed off to start my Army career at Fort Bragg (now Fort Liberty). Six weeks later, he showed up at my barracks. My reaction was, "Ha, you're mine!" (which served as a marriage proposal) and the rest is history. We'll celebrate 46 years of marriage next month! 


Jenna Gerrety - Mal Beineke

I grew up with the dead for neighbors. Living next to a cemetery has many perks, like easy access to deceased relatives! Have you ever hung out and watched the sunset amidst the graves on a warm summer night? Delightful.

When my Great Grandpa Jiggs best friend “Tex” passed away, he and my GG decided to donate a portion of their property so he could be buried in a beautiful place nearby- and when they passed away they were buried close by, along with their children. Now, many people are buried next door, and they make the best neighbors.


Jennifer Norton - Director


Jessica Hahn - Ancestor

Jessi has been involved in the Homer theatre for quite a while, so far this production has been the most fun and unique with an incredible, amazing cast. She will be portraying a Venezuelan urban legend assassin, any unfaithful, deceitful, dishonest men should be on the lookout, those were her favorite targets while alive. As a protective ancestor she is determined to let love conquer the day.


Jodee Boldt - Alice Beineke

Mezzo-Soprano Jodee Boldt made their ascent to Alaska in 2017. Originally from Tennessee, they spent their time in the south studying vocal arts, Opera theatre and early ear development, as well as working within the classical music community. Since moving to Alaska, Jodee has become a homesteader and goat farmer to help support her family, but music is still a profound piece of her life. So much so that she joined in forming a metal band, Gaiaspyre, that will be playing at Salmonfest 2024. This is Jodee’s first time working with the Pier One Theatre, and she hopes it will lead to many more! 


Jody Mastey - Violin

Jody is thrilled to be part of The Addams Family: A New Musical as her first production at Pier One Theatre. She grew up watching the show and has the theme song engrained in her as a cherished childhood memory. She looks forward to contributing to the enchanting and eerie sounds of the production and will be channeling the great violin virtuoso Ida Haendel to inspire her performance.


Kacia Peel - Wednesday Addams

A city girl

A farmer boy

She longed for lights

He longed for joy.

She wanted him

But not the life

Of fields of grain

A farmer's wife.

He loved her dearly

So he persisted 

And for 3 years

The girl resisted

Until one day

She turned around

And let him catch her

Let love abound.

And 5 months later

In freezing rain

The two were married

And still remain

For 10 years now

That farmer boy

And this city girl

Have lived in joy.


Katia Holmes - Ancestor

Katia returns to the Pier One stage as a fresh graduate with a BFA in Drama from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. She plans to spend half the year in her hometown in Homer, and the remainder in NYC pursuing the arts. 

Katia’s family heritage comes from a long line of inventors, rabble-rousers, peacekeepers, and storytellers. One of Katia’s favorite bedtime stories is about her three-greats uncle Terrence MacSwiney, mayor of Co. Cork during the Troubles in Ireland. Who, after a three-day hunger strike up in a tree and many a plate of food sent down untouched, fell promptly out of the tree followed by an empty bottle of Irish whiskey and resumed mayordom of the city. She has immensely enjoyed being a part of this Addams Family and would like to thank her cast, directors, the orchestra, and her family. 


Kent Petersen - Bass

Kent is a retired music teacher from Soldotna, AK.  Currently, he is haunting the Pier One Theatre as a bass player. In the future, he hopes to haunt local breweries and ski trails. 


Lenore Jones - Ancestor

Lenore Jones, like her mom, is easily frightened by ghost stories and scary movies. She has no problem performing in musicals about cannibals or dancing as a dead newsie, though. That’s the magic of theatre.


Luca Multz - Ancestor

Hey! I have been doing theatre for two years now and I love It! A family quirk of ours is that every time it's Someone's birthday it's a tradition to put a special tablecloth down and decorate the table with gifts, balloons etc. I hope you enjoy the show!


Mary Broderick - Cello

This is a fun show, hope you enjoy it!!


Mary Simondsen - Trombone

Thanks for coming to the show! If you see a ghost walking a dog during intermission, don’t be frightened, it is probably just me, and we don’t haunt :)


Maura Jones - Choreographer/Ancestor

Maura Jones loves all things weird and creepy, and is also scared of all those things. In attempting to unearth family ghost stories for this bio, she ended up having a lengthy conversation with her sister about the local legends of haunted spaces around historic Ellicott City, Maryland where she grew up. The creepy stairs and abandoned altar of Hell House. The Deadly Demon Truck of Seven Hills Road. Apparently, her sister sometimes visited these places trying to have ghostly encounters, while Maura absolutely did not. She acted as a ghost in the ruins of the Patapsco Female Institute for a Haunted House and, in fact, her first acting role was a ghost in a 6th grade play. It seems Maura has been using theatre to take control of her fears and anxieties for a long, long time now. Sometimes it works. She hopes you like the weird, dancing dead people.


Megan Hahn - Reeds

Megan is originally from Nome and moved south to Homer for the warmer weather. She has been playing the clarinet since 8th grade and picked up the saxophone in college. This is her fourth musical production and first for Pier One Theatre. Megan wants to be a dinosaur when she grows up.


Michael Selle

Michael has never seen a ghost that he knows of, but he has played the Addams Family pinball game many times with his wife when they were first dating.


Nathan Arnold - Guitar


Ola Mulliken - Rehearsal Pianist/Pianist

I'm Ola and I'm one of the pianists for this show. I once had a temp job in a cemetery in college doing data entry into a database of a super old card catalog system. While I never knowingly saw a ghost, I was told "I had a lot of people under me" lol and shared space with a few full urns in the office!


Regi Johanos - Uncle Fester

Regi Johanos turns 30 during this show, and she is thrilled to be entering her Fun Uncle era! She was last seen onstage as Reverend Ewan McDonald in Pier One’s Maud of the Island and as Belle in Beauty and the Beast. When not performing, she can be found haunting the stacks at the Homer Public Library. She dedicates this performance to her Grandma - with a hey nonny nonny and a ha cha cha!


Rudy Multz - Lurch

This is my second year of theatre and my second musical ever. I love it and am so grateful to be part of this stellar cast! Speaking of love, I met a sweet gal in New Zealand once but she left shortly after. I crashed my car driving on the wrong side of the road and ended up picking cherries on the South Island to make ends meet. She wrote to me and said she wanted to come for a visit. We hitchhiked across NZ to be together and she lived with me while I picked fruit and played music. We bet on a card game that she would have to come visit me. She did, and now she's my wife. Sometimes the things that feel like bad luck are good luck in disguise. 


Scott Bartlett

My eighth-great-grandfather, George Jacobs Sr., was tried and hung during the Salem witch trials. I am also related to his granddaughter... and accuser! Likely still some witchcraft in the family. I'm playing 32 instruments in The Addams Family (a personal record). Full disclosure!


Sue Biggs


Val Sheppard

Among the many things that the theatre is for Val, including an outlet for her creativity and the easiest (if also decidedly unorthodox) way for her to make new friends, it is also a family business. She has been involved in the theatrical world off and on for about as long as she's been cognizant, and those roots run deeper than just her. Her late father was a prolific actor and playwright for the Pier One and Kenai Performers scenes (he's the one second from the left on the wall outside NOMAR), her mother has not only been the principle set-dresser for the shows Val directs, but also danced with Lynne Roff's troupe for many years and was a frequent attendee of the Valdez Theatre Conference in the 90's, and her stepfather played a part in the show Val directed last summer. Val is tremendously grateful to them for all of their assistance, encouragement, and patience, and is equally grateful to her current family of thespians that have convened to tell this offbeat musical tale of the weird and macabre. She loves them all dearly, and hopes that you enjoy the show.


Virginia Cuffe

As a teenager, I looked forward to watching the original Addams Family TV show with my parents and siblings. It was a weekly event which we all looked forward to. I was enchanted by the show and sometimes secretly wished that my parents were like Morticia and Gomez and my siblings a little like Wednesday and Pugsley. And their ghostly mansion? If only that were my house. But of course in a small Alaskan town, this wasn’t the case and at 13, it wasn’t cool to be weird. Now I’m just excited to be playing this show with these talented actors and musicians, and for a few weeks, being part of the Addams Family.


Wendy Bales

Hi! I'm your friendly neighborhood first responder! Something about me you don't know if that I fixate on veins. If you have great ones, I've probably salivate over them. :)


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