Hamlet - Meet the Cast and Crew

HAMLET by William Shakespeare

A Youth Theatre/Mud Bay Bards Production

7 PM June 20, 21 & 2 PM June 22 • 7 PM June 27, 28 & 2 PM June 29 at the Spit Theatre

THE STORY: The ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates life and death, and seeks revenge. Join us for this classic tale performed by Homer’s talented young thespians!

Dramatis personae

HAMLET, Prince of Denmark - Alex Brock

Alex Brock has been doing theatre programs at Pier One for about 3-4 years and has been quite excited to be able to perform the first ever showing of Hamlet in Homer. He's worked hard to try and help make this play the best it can be.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


CLAUDIUS, King of Denmark, Hamlet’s uncle - Hayden Walters

I have done theatre for three years now, and I love acting. It is so fun, and I hope I can be in the next play too.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


Ghost of King Hamlet, Hamlet’s father - Aiden Crane

I'm Aiden Crane and I like to read books and snowboard and love the theatre. I've been in Newsies and Guys and Dolls (I was Rusty Charlie).

(photo by Carolyn Norton)


GERTRUDE, Queen of Denmark, and mother to Hamlet - Iso Panarelli

Hi, My name is Iso Panarelli. I've been doing theater for two years now. I love the stage and can't wait to do it next year. I hope you guys enjoy the play!!

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


POLONIUS, counselor to the King - Jackson Parsons

Jackson Parsons has been an actor for two years. It has been an honor to work with this cast.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


LAERTES, son to Polonius - Freya Bartlett

Freya Bartlett is a rising star in Homer at 13 years old. You may have seen her in previous productions such as John in The Reluctant Dragon and Puck and the bossy stage manager in Pier 1.0: Staging Reality. She is so excited to be able to share this incredible play with you!

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


OPHELIA, daughter to Polonius - Hadassah Kincaid

My name is Hadassah Kincaid and I have done acting for three years. I am 10 and I am from South Carolina. I am also a dancer. Hope you like the play.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


HORATIO, friend to Hamlet - Adonijha Brock

I like beans!

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


ROSENCRANTZ, courtier - Sadie Gibson

I'm Sadie, I'm 10 years old and I've been in two other Pier One plays. I love theater and I'm excited for Hamlet!

GUILDENSTERN, courtier - Torrin Bartlett

I am Torrin and this is my first time in a play and I'm really enjoying working with so many people.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


MARCELLUS, officer of the watch - Lupin Pine

My name is Lupin Piedra Pine. I am 11 years old, and I have been in theatre for several years. Hamlet is the first Shakespeare production that I have been in. So far it is my favorite play that I have been in.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


BERNARDO, officer of the watch and LUCIANUS - Aviana Flyum

My name is Aviana Flyum. This is my first year of acting and my first play.

(photo by Carolyn Norton)


OSRIC, courtiers - Sabby Davidson

My full name is Sabriel Davidson. I play Osric in the play. I have been in theatre camp since I was seven.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


Player 1/Queen and Messenger - Savannah Navarro

My name is Savannah and my favorite thing about acting is making fun memories and making new friends.

Player King and Priest - Mathis Sievers

It wasn’t as bad as I thought. It was good.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


A grave-digger - Luca Multz

Hi! I don’t have much experience acting, but I do want to become an actor! I love my cat named Fritz and I was born in Germany.

(photo by Carolyn Norton)


Lights - Finnegan Brewer

My name is Finnegan Brewer. This is my seventh or eighth show done with Pier One. This is the fourth show that I have done without an adult.

(photo by Carolyn Norton)


Stage Manager - Gulliver Norton

My name is Gulliver and I’m just a person who likes animals, playing games, talking with my friends, and helping with theatre!

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


DIRECTOR - Kathleen Gustafson

Kathleen Gustafson is the Director of Youth Theater for Pier One. She works with artists and technicians from ages five to 18 and beyond on all aspects of performance. She came to Pier One in 2000 and has spent every summer since collaborating with a team of directors, instructors and administrators to ensure that theater remains a lively and inclusive art form in this community. 

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


DIRECTOR - Carolyn Norton

Carolyn Norton can't believe her luck: she gets to share her love of theater with some of the most brilliant, talented, hardworking young people around. It's been a joy and an honor, as always.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


DIRECTOR - Michael Selle

Michael Selle loves Homer and really enjoys working with all the people that make up this rich and thriving art scene.

(photo by Christopher Kincaid)


The Addams Family - Meet the Players


Harvey: Meet the Cast and Crew!