Shakespeare’s Way: A Journey of Imagination

On September 3rd, Mud Bay Bards founding member Sarah Brewer will set off on a 146 mile trek from Shakespeare's hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon, to the Globe Theatre in London, in honor of the 400th Anniversary of the First Folio Publication in 1623, as well as her love of Shakespeare.

Historians have pieced together a route that Shakespeare himself may have traversed during his career. The Mud Bay Bards are seeking sponsorships for a fundraiser to be split between the Mud Bay Bards of Homer, Alaska, and the Shakespeare Hospice in Stratford-upon-Avon. Donations are fully tax deductible. Upon return, Sarah will give a presentation to the community, with gratitude and recognition to all sponsors.

Visit our Mud Bay Bards page to learn more about the cause and how to donate!


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