Meet the Players: Trey Parker’s Cannibal! The Musical

Trey Parker's Cannibal! The Musical

directed by Christine Kulcheski, assisted by Cristen San Roman, musical direction by Tyler Munns
outside at the Pratt Museum & Park • July 20, 21, 22 @ 7:30PM, July 23 @ 4:00PM, July 27, 28, 29 @ 7:30PM and July 30 @ 4:00PM.

Based on an early film by Trey Parker (co-creator of South Park and The Book of Mormon), Cannibal! The Musical tells the story of the only person convicted of cannibalism in America - Alfred Packer. The sole survivor of an ill-fated trip to the Colorado Territory, he tells his side of the harrowing tale to news reporter Polly Pry as he awaits his execution. Our version of his story includes a belly-dancing horse, dancing snowmen, time traveling hippies, nauseating gore, and toe-tapping songs!

TREY PARKER’S CANNIBAL THE MUSICAL is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.

The players tell us how they get their Schpadoinkle!

Christine Kulcheski

Chris has found her shpadoinkle living and evolving in Homer for the past 25 years: enjoying family time with her daughter, dog and cat; glamping across the bay; getting out on the water and into the hills; making costumes and other objects d’art; planning world travel; and spending all summer in dark theatrical settings. And if the choice of subject matter for her directorial debut surprises you, perhaps it will help you to know that her student short film was called Placenta Stew, a semi-cannibalistic comedy.


Cristen San Roman

Cristen San Roman fancies herself a pluviophile, so she’s been faring with all this rain just fine. Which is great since she’s spent the majority of her summer evenings in these woods! You may have seen her on this very stage a few weeks back, getting her shpadoinkle on as Maud Montgomery in “Maud of the Island”. When she isn’t performing she’s usually still engaging in Pier One activities like hauling heavy stuff back and forth, bugging Laura, blowing up her living room with crafts, and daydreaming about future productions. She’s so glad to be a part of this process and to help make Chris’s dream of doing this show a reality. We hope you enjoy it!


Tyler Munns

Pier One Theater is marginally pleased to introduce Tyler Munns. Tyler is a reasonably adequate choice for Musical Director of “Cannibal! The Musical.”  Our resident custodian, Daryl, while visiting an ailing relative in Beach, North Dakota in 2014, noticed him as a piano player taking up residency at “Günther Weissmann’s Chitlins ‘n Soul Food Shack.” After a brief, perfunctory conversation at the restaurant, Daryl was relentlessly pursued by Tyler on social media, eventually showing up at Daryl’s home at 3:00 am with a Casio PT-100 keyboard in tow. Following a five-year restraining order, Tyler was finally legally permitted on Pier One property. Daryl has since moved back to Beach, North Dakota, but Tyler’s presence on the periphery of Pier One activities has remained very, very consistent. We decided to allow him to participate in this 2023 production of “Cannibal! The Musical!” Tyler is currently battling a hellacious (or, as he constantly reminds us, ‘life-altering’) case of hemorrhoids, and wants to express his deepest gratitude to Pier One for their support and for satisfying his constant demands for multiple hemorrhoid donut pillows, Preparation H, and, for some reason, hot dogs.


Ethan Martin

Ethan recently rediscovered the joy and community of theater with Pier One and is grateful to everyone who has supported his involvement. Having grown up in Homer, he appreciates being able to reinvent himself as a new member of the theater scene. He has a passion for boxing, and also enjoys personally investigating his self-experience and the world around him, encouraging others to likewise take on the work of radical curiosity. In the summers he runs a peony flower farm and loves frolicking amongst the blooms in the rain.  


Rudy Multz

Rudy fuels the shpadoinkle fire by tinkering, futzing and just generally starting and (hopefully) completing projects. Those projects vary from the creative; such as writing music, songs or pros, costuming, set design, to the more practical; electronics, plumbing, mechanics, construction, and the performance of music and more recently performance in community theatre. He is the proud new papa of 5 chickens and has learned that there are an endless number of projects when animal husbandry becomes a daily effort. You may have seen him on-stage previously as the front-man for the band, Los Holy Santos Gang.


Katherine Brennan

Kathy gets her schpadoinkle by traveling in uncomfortable ways, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and having emotional outbursts. She has a background in film (behind the camera) and now works as a tyrant on the Homer Spit. Sometimes cynical, sometimes not, Kathy grew up in Homer, got her ya'yas out in San Francisco, spends time in ATL. If you put any stake in 'Science' she will probably die one day.


Dayus Geysbeek

Dayus seeks out his shpadoinkle in a few things: he is an avid movie goer and “critic”, an average Marvel/Gravity Falls fan, and he always enjoys the company of his friends. Above all else however, he is a bona fide theater kid. Everything from Shakespere to musicals. Especially musicals. His favorite role he’s ever played was in this year's high school production of Newsies, where he played Jack Kelly. If you didn't see it, that's on you. He is also very humble. These past nine years with Pier One have taught Dayus so many things, but most importantly; “Pretending to choke sounds more realistic when you’re actually being strangled.”


Maura Jones

Maura finds her Shpadoinkle doing this sort of thing. Being weird, in the woods, with people she likes, for the entertainment of others. She’s been doing this sort of thing for a long time, and can’t seem to stop. She’s happy to be sharing the stage with her favorite tiny snowman, a good portion of her weekend adventuring party, long-time theatre colleagues, new(sie) theatre colleagues, and a rather fetching cyclops. Thanks to Chris and Cristen for your direction, Tyler for your musical magic (and not making me hit a high G) and to Trey Parker, for bringing more random nonsense forth into the world. Maura also finds her shpadoinkle dying onstage. It’s her favorite. 


Reece Cowan

No one tells you that you can join Pier One anytime you like, but you can never leave! Four years ago I had no idea that stepping foot on that stage would earn me life long friendships, confidence and an entire community of artists and talents. I'm hooked on Pier One for life, and it's not a habit I intend to kick!


Wood Turner

Wood's Shpadoinkle finds him as unexpectedly as strangers falling in love. In the corners of smiles at absurd happenings or in the antics of curious crows, Shpadoinkle glitters and glistens, guiding him in a nonlinear dance that reminds him in every moment his birthright as living earth embodying love. Shpadoinkle Days beget a Shpadoinkle Life and it is this Shpadoinkle Life Wood will follow this winter to work as a cook at McMurdo Station in Antarctica and be the continent's only living Wood.


Val Sheppard

Val gets her Shpadoinkle from a number of places, primarily doing theatre with friends and unwitting accomplices. She's directed nine plays for Pier One Theatre including "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", "Glengarry Glen Ross", "Stage Kiss", "Waiting for Godot", "Ken Ludwig's Sherwood: The Adventures of Robin Hood", and most recently, "For Peter Pan on her 70th Birthday", in addition to starring in a wide number of other plays throughout the years which are too numerous to mention here. She also gets her Shpadoinkle from spending time with friends, collecting VHS tapes, and fighting/obstructing fascism and injustice at every turn. She's very grateful to be a part of this Shpadoinkle cast and is thankful to both of her Shpadoinkle directors Chris and Cristen for their vision and also their patience as she does all of the theatre things in addition to this Shpadoinkle show. Shpadoinkle!


Brian Duffy

Brian has gotten his shpadoinkle on by recently acquiring his pirating certificate through the . He us currently in need of a stylishly wicked tri-corner hat and a steady source of mascarpone and lady fingers. (...NO! Not REAL fingers of actual ladies you fool! ..and hopefully you are JUST a fool and not some psychopath with cannibalistic tendencies. And NO you cannot eat the cast......In fact, please do not eat anybody! He's talking about the delicious, crisp on the outside, light, soft, and spongy on the inside biscuits that were introduced in the 15th century by the house of Savoy to much fanfare and celebration...but he digresses)


Anna Springer

Anna acquires shpadoinkle in a number of ways, many of which contain making a fool of herself on stage. Whether it’s not landing the tour jeté, forgetting her lines, or a wrong note on clarinet or piano, she’s had her good and bad moments on many local stages. She’s just returned from her annual shpadoinkle around Prince William Sound, involving many mermaid-like activities, and is thrilled to be in this musical!


Emilie Springer

Emilie's stage time shpadoinkle favorite has always been dance but she's contributed some fisher poet action in various places in years past.  These days you can usually find her composing something for journalism purposes; academic land (or water) remains in the picture also. Add some sea glass jewelry, black and white striped rocks, boat time and interviews with fishermen and that's plenty of shpadoinkle for the summer.


LeeAnn Serio

My shpadoinkle is

Family, acting, plants, dogs

And dark chocolate


Kaylee Serio

Kaylee is an 8-year-old student at Fireweed Academy, but she’s turning 9 in the fall!! Having not been in any shows with Pier One before, this will be the start of her Pier One acting career! Kaylee is a jack of some trades, with some lesser known abilities, such as making snow apples in the winter and flower crowns in the summer. She also is quite adventurous and once went so far as to snowmachine all the way to Caribou Lake driving her own full size machine! Apart from that, Kaylee enjoys singing, drawing and doughnuts too! “I’m excited that I get to be a snowman.”


Adgel Chandler

Adgel is a Junior in high school who recently picked up an interest in theatre after being involved in the school musical his freshman year. His shpadoinkle is trying to make everything better for everyone and to try to improve his interests, like acting and singing, and bringing a positive light to everyone involved.


Jessica Hahn 

Jessi gets her shpadoinkle by "foaling around" with her husband and two kids, being a globe-trotter, and after being absent from the scene for a few years, is ready to turn the stables and get back in the saddle. Completely in love with the Homer Neigh-borhood of arts and theater, she hopes to hear some laughs with this twisted, fun mane-event. ShpadoiNeigh!!!


Katia Holmes

Katia gets her “shpadoinkle” from anything outdoorsy or artsy in her life, especially when paired with good food and great company. Katia was last seen in these woods with hat and honey jar in hand as Frede / Prescott Campbell in Jessica Golden’s Maud. She has immensely enjoyed being a part of this eclectic, wonderful cast of Cannibals the past few months. She thanks Chris and Cristen for putting on such an amazing, kooky show, Kyle and Beth Schneider for their vocal expertise, and her family for their constant support. She will graduate next spring with a BFA in Theatre at NYU Tisch School of the Arts in NYC. Cannibal is her first musical. 


Tom Custer 

Shpadoinkle is a word that gets tossed around a lot these days. So much so that some would say it has lost all sense of meaning. As long as there are good folks, such as yourself, that come and support our humble little organization and community theater, we can keep the feeling of schpadoinkle alive in good ol’ Homer, AK. Tom Custer would like to thank you all for coming out and humoring him and some of his goof friends. Y’all come back real soon, y’hear?


Peter Norton

Season 43: Every show, another bio. #127: Not out of the woods yet. Doomed! We're all doomed! Shpadoinkle is The Moment!


Finnley Stineff

Finnley Stineff is going into his sophomore year at Homer High School. He has started to involve himself in local theatre after Homer High’s production of Newsies. As an avid member of the Drama, Debate, and Forensics program, Homer High School Swing Choir, and overall having a loud personality, performing is not something foreign to Finnley. He gets his shpadoinkle by diversifying and improving his artistic abilities, as well as forming relationships within the theatre community. He hopes to continue participating in and supporting the arts after high school and throughout his life.


Asher Gagnon

Asher Gagnon's shpadoinkle is band. He loves playing in band. Its really awesome ;)


Adi Neveras 

Adi Neveras is a silly little guy. Her shpadoinkle includes frolicking in the woods, journaling, and baking sweet, new recipes from all over the world. Adi is learning to integrate herself into the community and after being part of an exciting production of Newsies at the highschool, is eager to add theatre to her list of hobbies.


Stevie Drescher

Stevie finds her shpadoinkle in:

Creating an empathetic and efficient space for others at her job.

The ocean and all her tides.

Her two amazing dogs.

And in her friends, family and her lovely boyfriend. 


Lenore Jones

Lenore thinks it’s just Shpadoinkle that she gets to be a snowman AND a hippie onstage with her friends. She also finds her shpadoinkle tidepooling and being in ballet shows. She wants to thank Kaylee and Luca for being her show buddies and her mom and dad for their support. And she can’t forget her cats, Gremlin and Floof.


Jesse D. Bolt

Some words have a meaning too inane to bother commiting to memory. You may notice me sitting alone off to the side; do not be concerned. I am still alive despite my general lack of movement. If I begin slowly sinking into the ground please disregard.

Thank you.



Jackson’s “Shpadoinkle” comes from art, boating, and working tech for Pier One’s and the high school’s small-town theater productions. A deckhand by day, and stage manager and techie by night. His passion for art and illustration as a whole translates into the theater workforce; his last notable pieces being set work for Jessica Golden’s Maud of the Island, Homer High School’s Newsies, and Pier One’s Beauty and the Beast. He’s met his people and found his shpadoinkle through a decade of theater.


Kay Bartel

Kay, also known as potassium, and the 11th letter of the alphabet, works on tech backstage. They enjoy being a part of creating and operating inanimate object such as flowers, signs, and sometimes whole houses. Working in the theater is something that really brought them out of their shell. They are forever thankful for the people who have accepted them for who they are.


Drew Wimmerstedt


Pier 1.0: Staging Reality - Meet the Players!


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