Meet the Players: Cosmic Hostel

Sally Oberstein - Playwright and Director

Sally is playwright, director, producer, artist, and worldwide tour operator. She got her first whiff of stage makeup at age five and believes theater bonding is stronger than gorilla glue. She is an adventurer and has floated the Amazon River Basin on a log raft. She has slept in mixed dorm hostels across all seven continents and can effortlessly switch to left-hand drive in countries that require it.


Carla Fabian - Anna

Carla is a retired international educator and mentor, organizing and running gap-year programs in Latin America, Africa and Europe. She has performed volumes as a teacher and tour guide before groups of students, clients, and wild animals. From paragliding in Turkey, to pilgrimages across Europe, climbing Kilimanjaro, rafting the Zambezi, and riding cargo trains across Africa, Carla is truly a travel chameleon at home in any part of the world.


Cristen San Roman - Bonnie

Cristen, formerly Head Filleter at Coal Point Trading, is now the Sushi Gal at our local box store. She’s a long-time theater goer and actor, grateful for the sense of community it brings. Cristen can get pretty dancey when there’s a live band playing, and she totally rocks at playing Xbox rock band. She spent the better part of a year in the Caribbean around fish and never fished. It wasn't until returning to her Alaskan roots that she became the amazing filleter and graceful salmon carver that she is today.


Dick Dunn - Oliver

Dick is a retired boat captain and boat builder who stepped sideways into the world of theater late in life giving playwrights cause to create comedy roles like Captain Hook and the Evil Five for him in a local musical production. Dick’s explorer spirit took him from the comfort of his family home to Alaska 48 hours after he graduated high school. His lust for adventure still holds water as his bucket list includes floating the Grand Canyon.


Linda Ellsworth - Charlotte

Linda is a retired barista having opened Homer’s first ever coffee shop, and before that a firefighter and fire department lieutenant of rescue. She currently splits her work schedule between one of Homer’s fisheries and Pier One Theatre. She has worn the hats of wife, mother, grandmother, concession manager, actress, director, and theater tech. Groups fight to include her in events as she’s a magnanimous volunteer and a baker extraordinaire who shows up with healthy home-baked sweet mouth-watering treats.


Olivia Glasman - Cassie

Olivia Glasman (Cassie) is a college student at the University of Vermont and an office manager and guide for a local kayak company. She first hopped up on a Pier One Theatre stage at age six and has been shaking it up from Shakespeare to Jane Austin ever since. She is a bad joke-teller but makes up for it in her ability to bake gluten-free cheesecake.


Sarah Rose Lee Borgen -

Ashley & Stage Manager

Sarah is a prevention outreach coordinator. Her acting career began in 7th grade as the Cat who wanted to eat the ugly duckling. She loves theater because of the sense of community it creates and the ability to act-out new perspectives. Sarah has traveled to 17 countries and stayed in hostels from Sri Lanka to Hungry to Amsterdam. Wherever she is, she brings her hidden talent, curing hiccups.


Tracy Belieu - Stu

Tracy is a former electrician turned body worker. Theater has successfully gotten him away from nighttime fishing and out doing yardwork. He’s taken on various acting roles in Homer but his favorite character to play is John Wayne - "Whoa, take 'er easy there, Pilgrim." Tracy dreams of sailing the Greek Islands. He wakes up singing every day and gives a badass massage.

Brian Duffy - Graham

Brian works in community mental health in Homer and comes from a background of theater in Chicago with years behind him of acting, dance, singing, and improv. Brian is a philosopher, a writer, and dreamer who’s able to drink volumes of coffee throughout the day and still get to sleep at night. He has played the good, bad, and ugly onstage, is passionate about dancing, and does a remarkable impression of Chuck Berry right down the splits.


Christine Kulcheski - Barb

Christine earns a living as a hospital nurse while juggling parenting, theater, singing sea shanties, creating various forms of art, and traveling the world. She “lettered” in theater acting in high school, studied art in college, then attended Vancouver Film School where she tried her hand at writing and directing. An adventurer at heart, she ended up in Alaska guiding and working as a deckhand. She would love to travel for half the year someday, like Barb. That said, Chris still sleeps with a blankie.


Dayus Geysbeek - Trevor

Dayus is a high school student and has been performing on local stages since kindergarten. He has a special relationship with bad puns that causes listeners to groan but he makes up for it with his praiseworthy drawing, dancing, acting and singing skills. Dayus once swashbuckled his way to the edge of a tall cliff over the ocean, and jumped in. He’s also the rare kid who’d rather eat pizza than chocolate cake.


Ethan Martin - Marco

Ethan manages a peony farm on Diamond Ridge in Homer. His acting career began on the Mariner Theatre stage in high school and he’s since realized how you can create any experience you want through the magic of theater. Ethan can keep a beat as a band member but don’t let him take of his shoes and expose his two left feet. He’s a world traveler and dreams of finding the hole at the bottom of the ocean someday.


Michael Romanovsky - Jonathan

Michael Romanovsky (Jonathan) is a server extraordinaire at one of Homer’s fine fishiest facilities. He has a background in social media marketing and weighs heavy in creative entrepreneurship ideas. Michael is admired by friends for being a fashion icon at the same time he sincerely applauds others for their mullets and/or high-waisted khakis. Michael is a lover of creatures great and small, and that is wholly reciprocated.


Reece Cowan - Luke

Reece Cowan is a marine electronics technician who’s been involved in theater for three years and is so enamored by it, he’s moving to try his hand in the California footlights. His talents beyond theater include improvising a kick-butt song on the spot. Where most of us find pencils and food scraps under our couch cushions, Reece finds memes he’s hidden from himself to find later as a surprise.


Terry McCloud -

Nurse Linda Cummings & Backpacker

Terry has worked as a private chef and pastry chef, creating tasty and aesthetically artful food. She comes to Homer via California and Texas, regarding her new home as a spicy and inviting fishing village. Terry once held the job title of Loyal and Hardworking Wench however prefers to see herself as badass commander of her galley, able to put out fires and assemble the whole enchilada.


Zeb Perkins - George

Zeb is a case manager at a substance abuse treatment center in Homer. He is a passionate singer, dancer, musician with impressive one-man-band rhythm ability. After buying his first house, Zeb lived almost a full year without a refrigerator and managed to stay healthy with his primary diet being Bagels and cream cheese. He is a quick-study actor with a tenacious can-do attitude. Someday he plans to dine and dash, but don’t worry (!) not at the bagel shop.


Meet the Players for Sherwood!


Meet the Players: An Incident At the Border