The Night Animals by Kate Rich
Directed by Jennifer Norton
"A powerful family drama where primal forces of dependency, deception and betrayal create a hilarious mess that will leave you wondering who to blame. “
Auditions held at the Mariner Theatre - Saturday, April 30, 2PM-4PM
Performances will be at the Spit Theatre, the first two weekends in July.
Brief Character Overview:
ZANE/HEATHER (“Woof”) BENSON, (M/F/17), never without
his/her/their laptop (any gender)
LEAH BENSON, MOM (F/55), works for a local caterer
MEREDITH BRANDT, (F/49), narcissist and terrible artist
AMOS BENSON (M/48), computer tech nerd
Auditions are open to all!
Scripts available for checkout at the Pier One Theatre Office
332 E. Pioneer Ave. Suite #3 (above the Homer Bookstore)
Call 907-226-2287 with any questions.