The landscape of COVID-19 has changed dramatically from month to month over the course of the last two years. The Pier One Theatre COVID Committee remains active in order to respond to current public health concerns & advise the Pier One staff & board. Policy is subject to change based on new information. All policy is set by the staff & board. Participants will be informed if any changes are made to the policy.

The health of everyone in our community remains a high priority for our organization.

We ask that anyone participating in Pier One Theatre events, kindly examine themselves for symptoms of sickness, & stay home if they are feeling ill. Please remember that when people gather together in large groups, there is an increased chance of spreading illness.

Common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, a loss of sense of smell and/or taste, congestion, fatigue, headache, body aches and chills. If you have any concerning symptoms please contact your health care provider to obtain further information regarding quarantine, testing, vaccination, & other.


  1. Require that each STAFF MEMBER/VOLUNTEER answer “NO” to the following question before participating each day: Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have you been tested for COVID-19 but have not received your results? See “What to do if you test positive” section of this document. 

  2. Remind participants that: They should bring their own water bottles as well as other beverages or food. Sharing food & personal items with others is not recommended. 

  3. Remind participants that: Cast members should provide their own makeup and not share makeup with other performers.

  4. Remind AUDIENCE MEMBERS that: We ask that anyone participating in  Pier One Theatre events, kindly examine themselves for symptoms of sickness, & stay home if they are feeling ill.

  5. Provide masks for anyone wishing to wear one. If masks are worn, they should be well fitting double layer cloth masks or preferably surgical masks. Cloth masks should be laundered daily. Surgical masks should be disposed of after each day of wearing. 

  6. Provide hand sanitizer in strategic locations for audience, cast & crew. Hand sanitizer should be used after touching your mask and frequently while handling money or credit cards. 

  7. When at the Spit Theatre: All doors will remain open whenever possible to provide adequate ventilation. 

  8. Provide at least one performance of each indoor production at the Spit Theatre where MASKS ARE REQUIRED. 


  • If you test positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms, regardless of vaccination status:

    • Stay home for at least five days and isolate yourself from others. Wear a well-fitting mask if you must be around others in your home.

  • Ending isolation if you had symptoms:

    • After five days, when you are fever-free (without use of fever-reducing medication) and when other symptoms improve, you may end isolation.

    • If you were severely ill with COVID-19: Isolate for at least 10 days and consult your doctor before ending isolation.

  • Ending isolation if you did not have symptoms:

    • After at least five days after your positive test.

  • Take precautions until day 10:

    • Wear a well-fitting mask anytime you are around others, avoid travel and avoid being around people who are at high risk.

Calculating Isolation: Day 0 is your first day of symptoms or a positive viral test. Day 1 is the first full day after your symptoms developed or your test specimen was collected. If you have COVID-19 or have symptoms, Isolate from day 0 through day 5. Wear a mask around others from day 6 through day 10.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Covid-19 by County

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